“Chef’s Tip! Just seasoning and frying chicken karaage won’t make it delicious! Add juiciness and flavor to your karaage and boost your appetite!”
“Karaage is part of Japanese culture! There are so many delicious variations of karaage, whether homemade or as local specialties! I’m so grateful for Japan’s incredibly tasty food culture!”
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鶏もも肉 450g
片栗粉 適※多めに用意します
豆苗 1p
胡麻油 2回し
ブラックペッパー 適
塩 適
しょうゆ 大さじ2※約30㏄
みりん 大さじ1※約15㏄
酒 大さじ1※約15㏄
生にんにく 1かけ※約10g
ナツメグ 5振り
カレー粉 小さじ3分の1
【ingredients】3 servings
450g chicken thigh meat
Potato starch, as needed *prepare more
(Pea Shoot Namul)
1p pea sprouts
2 turns sesame oil
Black pepper, to taste
Salt, to taste
(marinade for Karaage)
2 tablespoons soy sauce* (about 30㏄)
1 tablespoon mirin (*about 15㏄)
1 tablespoon sake* (about 15㏄)
1 clove fresh garlic *approx. 10 g
Nutmeg 5 shakes
1/3 teaspoon curry powder
① 鶏もも肉に、軟骨などがついていないかを確認。
② 火と味が入りやすいように、刃先で鶏肉を叩きます。
③ 1個50gで大き目にカットします。
④ 合わせたタレに鶏肉を入れて、よく揉み込みます。約1分間
⑤ 漬け込んだ鶏肉を、常温で5分間置きます。
⑥ タレの水分を良く切ってから、片栗粉を多めにつけます。
⑦ 鶏肉の皮面を外側にして、丸めます。
⑧ 170度の油を用意して、鶏肉を丸めたまま揚げます。
⑨ 2分ごとに裏返し、合計で6分間揚げます。
⑩ 揚げ終わったら、唐揚げを2分間休ませます。
⑪ 唐揚げの中までシッカリと火を入れます。
【How to make】
① Check the chicken thighs to ensure there is no cartilage or other unwanted parts attached.
② Gently pound the chicken with the tip of the knife to allow heat and seasoning to penetrate more easily.
③ Cut into larger pieces, each weighing approximately 50 grams.
④ Add the chicken to the prepared marinade and mix well. Massage for about 1 minute.
⑤ Let the marinated chicken sit at room temperature for 5 minutes.
⑥ Drain the excess marinade well, then coat the chicken generously with cornstarch.
⑦ Shape the chicken with the skin side facing outward.
⑧ Prepare oil at 170°C (340°F) and fry the chicken while it is still shaped into balls.
⑨ Flip the chicken every 2 minutes and fry for a total of 6 minutes.
⑩ After frying, let the Karaage rest for 2 minutes.
⑪ Make sure the Karaage is cooked through all the way to the center.
① 火と味が入りやすいように、刃先で叩く作業は忘れないように。
② 肉が厚い箇所は、念入りに叩きます。
③ タレと合わせた鶏肉は、シッカリと揉み込んで味を入れます。
④ 油が高温だと、火が入る前に焦げてしまうので注意してください。
⑤ 揚がった鶏肉を重ねてしまうと、熱で柔らかくなってしまいます。
⑥ 2分間休ませる事で、中までシッカリと火を入れる事が出来ます。
【Makeup points】
① Don’t forget to pound the chicken with the tip of the knife to ensure that heat and seasoning can penetrate easily.
② Be sure to pound the thicker areas of the meat thoroughly.
③ Thoroughly massage the chicken with the marinade to ensure it is well seasoned.
④ Be cautious with high oil temperatures, as the chicken may burn before it cooks through.
⑤ Avoid stacking the fried chicken, as the heat can cause it to become soft.
⑥ Allowing the chicken to rest for 2 minutes helps ensure it is cooked thoroughly to the center.
Tweets by Papascooking1
PAPA‘S COOKINGのYoutubeホームのリンクはこちら↓↓↓
令和6年8月現在 火曜日と金曜日の2回 17時に配信をしております。
He designed menus for famous restaurants in Tokyo!
I also supervise the development of fees from a new perspective and
concept plans for new restaurants and work as a chef and creator.
He has experience working overseas in North America and Asia, and continues to study cuisine from a global perspective.
On my days off, I cook for my family and spend as much time as possible with them.
★悩み解決 プロの料理人が教える【天ぷらの揚げ方】家で作る天ぷらの揚げ方 分かりやすく説明します!
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